Incredible Adventures of the OSPF Huawei
We found SUDDENLY that OPSF with hello-timer=1 on the Huawei NE40E got convergency more then 20 seconds. And any changing of timers is not helped. We have schemes with such timer value, the reason is some old equipment without BFD. And everything worked fine 1-2 month ago. Official Huawei TAC respond — For mitigation OSPF … Continue reading
Huawei Eudemons
Eudemon Series there are firewalls\IPSeC gateways, but with router functions inside. Something like Juniper SRX, but functionality is cheaper and from Huawei. The hardware of these devices is ok, but software is so crude. The chinese guys must to work hard a lot of time for fix it, I think. Just from the last rebooting … Continue reading
Huawei, Juniper and Cisco in one network – webinar # 1
Hi all! I plan to create series of webinars about routing in the mixed network, consisting of Cisco, Juniper and Huawei routers. I already done few webinars on the Russian about this topic and I want create it on English. My English is not so good, so it is challenge for me (and you, if … Continue reading
The Friday`s digest – “Necromancy and shopping”
As always on Fridays – a bit of news this week. Nokia is going to buy a stake of Siemens in NSN, since only NSN brought Nokia’s revenues last year. Focusing on the market of mobile controllers and other devices for networks could help Nokia to revenge for humiliation on the market of phones.
Junos: Crafted TCP packet can lead to kernel crash
The seriously security issue in the ALL JunOS version. Lets check security bulletin here or here (without juniper login) It can be so dangerous, but there is no exploit now and there is no information about format of this “deadly packet”. Only Juniper SIRT knows it.
CCNP SP Lab topology
I was on the webinar from Cisco about new certification “CCNP SP” month ago. One scheme from this webinar is pretty interesting. This is topology for CCNP SP lab. You can see it is using 6(!) ASR 9000, 4 ASR 1000 and a few small things. I bet you will not find academy that really … Continue reading
Cisco SSH Denial of Service Vulnerability
If you used Cisco router as border or vpn concentrator (that is somebody has access to it from Internet), you would update software near time. Remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability by attempting a reverse SSH login with a crafted username
Nice troubleshooting tips about 6500
The 6500 platform is still popular, so maybe you want to know how it works and how it repaired. Cisco published the nice post about troubleshooting 6500 here By the way, another interesting link about diagnostic tests (not only for 6500) you may find here My personal advice – when purchasing a new card, always … Continue reading
The small cisco digest
– Cisco announces the end-of-sale and end-of life dates for the very popular old models of Cisco Catalyst – 3750G, 3560G, 3750-E, and 3560-E Series. You have 1 year for buy it. And five years for fix it 😉 ( – Cisco announces the new corporate Wi-Fi Access Point “Cisco Aironet 3600”. “Clean Air”, 802.11r … Continue reading
New Cisco vulnerabilities
A lot of new Cisco vulnerabilities has published recently. Among them few vulnerabilities about IPv6 DDOS. See this –