Tagged With: IPv6
Cisco Live Milan 2015 — «advanced», «routing»
I have read and analyzed materials from Milan Cisco Live 2015 – for self-education. Not all 455 presentations and videos, of course. Only Level=”Advanced” and Technology=”Routing”. Maybe someone will be interested to know my comments and recommendations below.
New RFC about networks (July 2012)
A few of the new RFC about networking that interesting personal to me. Just couple of words. 6660 – Encoding Three Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN) States in the IP Header Using a Single Diffserv Codepoint (DSCP). Revision of RFC 5696. Revision of RFC 5696. It is further improvement QoS in the path to the ideal situation … Continue reading
World IPv6 Launch tomorrow
By the way, “World IPv6 Launch” is so dramatic name for this. For years many big generators of the content like Google and Facebook have ipv6 DNS-name and working through ipv6. But they are only big islands in the ipv4 ocean of the rest Internet. The most of the hosters and content providers are have … Continue reading
EANTC:Multi-Vendor Interoperability test
The EANTC created event For MPLS & Ethernet World Congress when tested mpls, mpls-tp, ipv6 and other interoperability between different vendors. White paper
The good wiki about ipv6
If you are searching some recipes about transition to IPv6 or deployment of IPv6, this link may be useful for you. There is new wiki about IPv6 with original states and presentations from Fred Bovy Check this
New Cisco vulnerabilities
A lot of new Cisco vulnerabilities has published recently. Among them few vulnerabilities about IPv6 DDOS. See this – http://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/Cisco_ERP_sep11.html
A few of ipv6 subnet calculators
A few links on ipv6 subnet calculators from one topic on Linkdin: http://www.ipv6calculator.net/ http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/ http://bitace.com/ipv6calc/ http://www.ipv6book.ca/allocation.html http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipcalculator/ http://depierri.com/ipvi/index-en.html http://www.subnetonline.com/pages/subnet-calculators/ipv6-subnet-calculator.php http://grox.net/utils/ipv6.php http://www.wxnz.net/ipv6-subnet-calculator/ http://www.gho.no/online-web-ipv4-and-ipv6-ip-subnet-calculator/ Just table of netmask ipv6: http://bind.com/?path=netmasks6 Just decode from ipv6 address http://v6decode.com/
IPv6 CPE Survey
While ipv6 is distributed more and more, not every manufacturer supports it in the CPE devices. It is important to know who don’t supports IPV6 in the CPE-devices for planning of purchases. RIPE helps you in this issue, because does IPv6 CPE survey regulary. http://labs.ripe.net/Members/mirjam/ipv6-cpe-survey-updated/