Simple IP SLA jitter test

Posted by on September 18, 2011

There is simple way to test your channel on jitter with ip sla in Cisco IOS.
This test is ideal for testing Internet-connection in the back-office or something like that.
If you need check jitter in the voice channel or some tcp-ip server-client connections,
you need more complicated decision.

You need:
– Cacti with official template “Cisco router”
– router with IOS that’s support IP SLA (all modern IOS and few IOS earlier 12.3)

First, configure your router with commands:

ip sla monitor 20

type echo protocol ipIcmpEcho X.X.X.X source-ipaddr Y.Y.Y.Y
timeout 1000
frequency 10

ip sla monitor schedule 20 life forever start-time now

Where X.X.X.X it is address of your  ISP and Y.Y.Y.Y is yours.

Then update data queries for this router in the your Cacti:

Then create new graph with such graph type:

You can see this after some time:

By the way, I hope you WILL NOT SEE such picture, because it was awful jitter 😉

The best post about IP SLA in the Russian is

You could find a lot of  information about IP SLA if you search.

Have a nice ping!