Cisco has been announced the new certification of Professional level. You have to pass 4 new exam – service provider routing (642-883 SPROUTE), service provider advanced routing (642-885 SPADVROUTE), service provider Next-Generation Core Network Services (642-887 SPCORE), Next-Generation Egde Network Services (642-889 SPEDGE). Also, you must be CCNA SP to have possibility pass this exam.
Look here.
This certification was completing pyramid of SP certifications, that was began by Cisco one year ago, when CCIE SP was opened. This pyramid, the new one in the lines of CCNA-CCNP-CCIE pyramids, about service providers NGN, design it and implementation it. So for to pass exams, you have to know new OS from Cisco – IOS XE and IOS XR, and IPv6, and MPLS-TE and more…
There are no books about these exams – even on Cisco Press. If you want to learn, you have to find some academy where these courses will be reading. Maybe, you would not find anything for near months.
I see that Cisco pays serious attention to this part of network market (service provider network). A few months ago it completed another pyramid about service providers networks – CCNA-CCNP-CCIE SP Operations. It is also about Service Provider NGN, but is about troubleshooting and network management systems in this type of network.