Daily Archives: September 13, 2011
Cisco has began black PR-war against Juniper
Actually, Juniper takes an increasing share of the market and Cisco has no way except start to black-PR company against Juniper. There is url from cisco.com “When you overpromised and Under Deliver, you’ve “junipered”! http://www.overpromisesunderdelivers.net/ Sad, that Cisco did it. But service – it is one of the strongest side of Cisco now. So maybe it has sense. … Continue reading
A few of ipv6 subnet calculators
A few links on ipv6 subnet calculators from one topic on Linkdin: http://www.ipv6calculator.net/ http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/ http://bitace.com/ipv6calc/ http://www.ipv6book.ca/allocation.html http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipcalculator/ http://depierri.com/ipvi/index-en.html http://www.subnetonline.com/pages/subnet-calculators/ipv6-subnet-calculator.php http://grox.net/utils/ipv6.php http://www.wxnz.net/ipv6-subnet-calculator/ http://www.gho.no/online-web-ipv4-and-ipv6-ip-subnet-calculator/ Just table of netmask ipv6: http://bind.com/?path=netmasks6 Just decode from ipv6 address http://v6decode.com/